3D puzzle Harry Potter train 155 returns

3D puzzle Harry Potter train 155 returns
3D puzzle Harry Potter train 155 returns
3D puzzle Harry Potter train 155 returns
Price without tax
21,91 €
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Detailed description

3D puzzle Harry Potter train 155 pieces Harry Potter thinks he's a perfectly ordinary boy until he learns that he's from a wizarding family. He is invited to study at Hogwarts, the school of wizards and witches. Tythypah can be reached by its own train, which leaves from King 's Cross station, platform nine and three quarters - even if it seems that such a platform does not exist. When Harry gets a tip on how to get to the right platform, he discovers a scarlet steam engine that runs a little differently than what Harry is used to. A magical train transports Harry towards Hogwarts and a great adventure in which he unknowingly joins more than he can believe. Now it is possible to build a fine miniature model of this amazing high-speed train as a three-dimensional puzzle. The puzzle pieces are soft, smooth on the image side and dense foam on the back side. They are easy to combine and assemble: from a ready-made steam train to a fine and spectacular one. The puzzle actually invites you to spend happy assembly moments and also to read Harry Potter books, from the beginning - even if you have already read them before. Wrebbit puzzles are designed and crafted with dazzling detail and realism. Enjoy a moment at the central location of the great book series!

3D palapeli Harry Potter juna 155 palaa Hieno ja yksityiskohtainen kolmiulotteinen 460 palan palapeli, josta valmistuu suosituista Harry Potter -kirjoista tuttu Tylypahka Express -juna. Valmiin palapelin koko on 63 x 9 x 13,25 cm. Rakenna Tylypahkaan vievä juna ja nauti taianomaisesta maailmasta!