Schleich Horse Club 14898 Marwari horse, stallion


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Schleich Horse Club 14898 Marwari hevonen, ori
Schleich Horse Club 14898 Marwari hevonen, ori
Schleich Horse Club 14898 Marwari horse, stallion
Price without tax
9,48 €
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Detailed description

Elegantly beautiful, the Marwari stallion tilts his slender neck and talks through his soft nostrils. He wiggles his black, sickle-shaped ears and listens carefully: did he hear a whinny somewhere in the distance? Maybe it's the Marwari mare calling him. The mare might be trotting closer. The little Marwari foal is certainly not far away. With these three horses, the family is complete. Who is coming?