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Vacuum bag 110 x 100 cm

Tyhjiöpussi 110 x 100 cm


Vacuum bag 110 x 100 cm
Price without tax
4,76 €
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Detailed description

Vacuum bag 110 x 100 cm Vacuum storage bags are excellent for storing, for example, blankets and pillows as well as seasonal clothes. Vacuum bags protect textiles from dirt, dust, mold spores, moisture and odors. Note! Only handle the bags at room temperature. When cold, the bag may break easily.

Tyhjiö tilansäästöpussi Koko: 110 x 100 cm Tyhjiösäilytyspussit säästävät tilaa jopa 75 % ja niihin sopivat lähes kaikki pölynimurit.