Smartgames coral reef

Smartgames coral reef
Smartgames coral reef
Smartgames coral reef
Price without tax
10,28 €
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Detailed description

Popular magnetic SmartGames travel games Great SmartGames Travel games are customer favorites year after year! The games are a handy size and fit even in a small space. The parts are magnetic, so they stay attached to the game board while playing. And the whole game can be closed with a snap like a book. Game instructions, challenges, answers and game pieces - all in a handy and compact package! It is easy for everyone to find their favorite among the magnetic travel games of the SmartGames logic game series. The fun topics of the games inspire you to play and find the right solutions to challenges. Each magnetic travel game contains 48 challenges in four different difficulty levels. So the games are enough for a nice brain teaser even during a longer vacation! Thanks to the different levels of challenges, the same game is suitable for both children and adults to solve! Multi-purpose magnetic travel games Magnetic SmartGames travel games are convenient gifts for friends' birthdays, for example, and they are suitable, for example, for housewarming. Thanks to their small size, they are also convenient to mail to the recipient. Like other SmartGames logic games, magnetic Travel Games are also educational and educational. That is why they are also excellent games for use in schools. Due to their size and price, they can be purchased in several categories. Magnetic games are also quiet in use, so playing them does not cause any disturbance.

SmartGames Coral Reef Magneettinen matkapeli SmartGames Coral Reef sopii perheen pienimmille! Kuurupiiloa korallin suojissa! Magneettinen matkapeli Ikäsuositus: yli 4-vuotiaille SmartGames magneettinen matkapeli Coral Reef on vedenalainen seikkailu! Löydätkö korallin kätköissä piilottelevat merieläimet? Pelin tavoitteena on asettaa neljä korallipalaa pelilaudalle niin, että vain haasteessa kuvatut eläimet jäävät näkyviin ja kaikki muut pysyvät piilossa korallien alla. SmartGames Coral Reef on ainutlaatuinen loogista päättelykykyä vaativa peli perheen pienimmille. Pelissä on 48 erilaista haastetta hyvin helposta erittäin vaikeaan. Peli kehittää loogista ajattelua, strategista suunnittelua sekä visuaalista ja avaruudellista hahmottamista. Pelilauta ja haastevihko avautuvat magneettikirjan sisältä. Matkapelin isot palat ovat magneettisia, joten ne pysyvät helposti kiinni pelilaudassa ja tallella magneettikirjan sisällä. Pienen kokonsa ja magneettisten palojen ansiosta SmartGames Coral Reef on erinomainen peli mukaan matkalle! Ikäsuositus: yli 4-vuotiaille Mitat: 16 x 16 x 2 cm