Smartgames The hare's hole

Smartgames The hare's hole
Smartgames The hare's hole
Smartgames The hare's hole
Smartgames The hare's hole
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10,28 €
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Detailed description

SmartGames logic games for the whole family SmartGames games are suitable for players of all ages and skill levels The idea of Down the Rabbit Hole is simple. Choose a challenge and place the animals in the places shown in the picture. Place the "soil pieces" on the game board so that different animals have separate cavities with their own exits. The correct solutions to the tasks can be found at the end of the challenge book. The game is suitable for children and adults of different ages. Progressively more difficult tasks keep interest and guarantee that there is a suitable level of difficulty for every player. We recommend starting solving tasks from the first, easiest task and progressing in numerical order. The feeling of success fuels enthusiasm, and tasks that are more challenging than one another keep people interested. Can you solve the next one? Logic games develop diverse skills SmartGames Down the Rabbit Hole is a fun and challenging logic game that develops logical thinking. The game also brilliantly develops concentration and is an excellent learning game for school-aged children and children approaching school age. When solving tasks, visualization and problem solving skills get practice. SmartGames are great birthday gifts for kids of all ages. There is a favorite for everyone in the wide selection of the series! The game contains 48 challenges Age recommendation: for over 6 years old Dimensions: 16.2 x 16 x 1.5 cm

SmartGames Down the Rabbit Hole Auta metsäneläimiä rakentamaan pesäkolot. Hauskassa Down the Rabbit Hole -logiikkapelissä seikkaillaan maan alla. Magneettinen matkapeli 48 haastetta helposta erittäin vaikeaan Ikäsuositus 5+ SmartGames Down the Rabit Hole on maanalainen seikkailu Auttaisitko herra Kettua, herra Mäyrää ja kaniperhettä löytämään uuden pesäkolon? Varmista, että eläimillä on oma onkalonsa omalla uloskäynnillä. Down the Rabbit Hole on hauska maanalainen seikkailu, jossa on 48 erilaista haastetta. Nappaa tämä hauska magneettinen matkapeli mukaan omiin seikkailuihisi! Pelilauta avautuu näppärästi, kun avaat nepparikiinnityksen. Haastevihko kulkee mukana kirjan sisällä ja magneettiset peliosat pysyvät visusti tallessa. Pelin mukana tulee 48 haastetta, joita voi ratkaista joko yksin tai yhdessä kaverin kanssa.