Smartgames Three Little Pigs board game

Smartgames Three Little Pigs board game
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23,51 €
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A delightful Three Little Pigs game! The cute pig characters, their house and the wolf stalking the pigs in the Three Little Pigs game will captivate anyone! The game's age recommendation is 3-6 years, but the challenges of the game can cause a fun headache for adults as well. There are tasks in the game without the wolf, so the piggies can go outside in peace outside their houses. When a wolf comes into the game, the player has to help the pigs to shelter under the houses! The Three Little Pigs game has big pieces that are easy for the child to grasp. It is also interesting for children to notice how funny the pigs fit inside their houses and peek out the window. Fortunately, the wolf can't fit inside the house! At first, children may need an adult's help to solve challenges. An adult can encourage the child to try different options by asking guiding questions. "What do you think this piece fits?" If the challenges still seem difficult, you can look at the model directly from the challenge solution pages. Arranging the blocks according to the solutions helps the child to notice how they can be arranged in different ways. Adventure in the world of fairy tale games The SmartGames series of logic games includes four wonderful fairy tale games: Three Little Piggies, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. Each fairy tale game also contains a picture story book, which can be used to tell the story. The story related to the game brings the game to life! The characters in the games inspire you to act out the fairy tale as table theater, to play and invent your own stories. These excellent fairy tale games also support self-expression and creativity as well as storytelling skills. Play and learn! The Belgian game manufacturer SmartGames firmly believes – as do the people at Leikien – that playing is the most important way for a child to learn. Playing games is fun, and along with the fun, the child's cognitive (knowledge), language and social skills develop. The structure of SmartGames logic games also excellently supports the building of a child's self-confidence. When a child plays a logic game and successfully solves a challenge, he immediately gets positive feedback for himself through the correct solution. The tasks in the games gradually become more difficult. When a child notices that he can cope with more and more difficult tasks, it is really rewarding. This is how enthusiasm grows while playing and learning happens almost without noticing!

Smartgames Kolme Pientä Porsasta Auta pienet porsaat turvaan isolta pahalta sudelta! SmartGames Kolme pientä porsasta on hauska ja opettavainen peli perheen pienimmille. Satuaiheinen logiikkapeli Sisältää kuvasatukirjan Ikäsuositus: 3-6 -vuotiaille Olipa kerran… Perinteisestä sadusta tutut kolme pientä porsasta seikkailevat hauskassa SmartGames Kolme pientä porsasta -satupelissä. Auta kolmea pientä porsasta rakentamaan talot oikeille paikoilleen. Aseta possut pelilaudalle haasteen mukaisesti ja rakenna talot niin, että possut jäävät ulos leikkimään. Vaativammissa haasteissa peliin tulee mukaan susi! Ole varovainen, ettei susi pääse nappaamaan possuja! Pelasta possut rakentamalla talot niiden suojaksi, jotta possut voivat leikkiä turvallisesti sisällä talossa. Tämä suloinen peli kehittää havainnointia, päättelykykyä, ongelmanratkaisutaitoja ja tarkkaavaisuutta. SmartGames Kolme pientä porsasta -peliä voi pelata yksin tai yhdessä kaverin kanssa. Kaverin kanssa pelattaessa etsikää yhdessä oikeaa ratkaisua haasteeseen, jolloin peli kehittää erinomaisella tavalla pelaajien vuorovaikutus‐ ja yhteistyötaitoja. Peleistä tutun voittaja‐häviäjä ‐asetelman sijaan oikean ratkaisun löytyessä molemmat ovat voittajia! Mukana on myös hauska Kolme pientä porsasta ‐kuvasatukirja. Ikäsuositus: yli 3-vuotiaille. Sisältö: pelilauta, kolme talopalaa, kolme possua, susi, haastekirja ratkaisuineen (24 sudella ja 24 ilman sutta), kuvasatukirja, peliohjeet suomeksi, ruotsiksi ja englanniksi. Suden korkeus: 5 cm. Pakkauksen mitat: 29 x 24 x 6 cm.