Sports play bag

Sports play bag
Sports play bag
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19,84 €
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Exercise-themed Lullaby bag "Who gets, who gets to peek into the lullaby bag?" Leikien The exercise play bag contains 24 fun, rhyme-shaped exercise games. The goal is to get children moving under the guise of play. The versatile movements of the exercise play bag, which take into account the child's motor development, can be done by children leikkien , and no equipment is needed to perform them. There is no one right way to perform the games in the exercise rhyme bag, but everyone can move in their own way, interpreting the rhymes individually. Exercise rhymes are prepared by education professionals and they are rich in the Finnish language. Waffle fabric is used as the material of the bag. By embroidering on it, you and your child can make the bag look personal and fun. "Make your fingers a little mouse that runs to your toes. The mouse climbed one leg up, then put the other down. Count your toes, one, two, three, four, five, save everything!” Age recommendation: Over 0 months. Suitable from baby onwards when used together with a parent. The height of the bag is about 22 cm. Card dimensions: 75 x 75 x 1 mm. Tips for using the exercise play bag In Lorupustuokio, everyone can participate and in turn draw one card from the bag. If there are children of kindergarten age, they will certainly know how to sing "Kuka saa, kuka saa, peek into the nursery rhyme bag, tillin, tallin tömpsis! Liisa can, Liisa can, peek into the bag of rhymes, dill, dill, dill!" This is how you find out whose turn it is to draw a card from the bag. When the card is picked up, first examine the picture. What's in it? What does the person, animal, etc. in the picture look like? Is it big, small, soft or squishy? How could it go? Mental images help you liven up and come up with nice ways to move. When the picture has been studied enough, one of the participants reads the rhyme and everyone moves according to the rhyme. Each with their own style. Also try that one person figures out how the movements go and the others imitate. Repeat the same rhyme as many times as you feel good. And then the next card out of the bag! Leikien The exercise play bag is suitable for home, club, kindergarten and schools. It's easy to grab for use in the morning circle or when you need a break exercise. Exercise rhymes can be used without much planning or preparation. You can also organize an entire exercise session with the exercise play bag. Exercise and rhymes to support development Versatile exercise is important for a child's motor development. The development of the child's speech and linguistic abilities can also be strengthened with the help of rhyme-shaped exercise leikkien . The beads in Leiki's Liikuntaleikki bag give room for the child's own creativity. It is good to encourage children to invent themselves. There are as many ways of performing each rhyme as there are movers!

Leikkien Liikuntapussi Lorupussi täynnä hauskoja liikuntaleikkejä ja -loruja! Leikkien Liikuntaleikkipussissa on 24 hauskaa lorumuotoista liikuntaleikkiä. Lorupussi, joka sisältää liikunnallisia loruja Sopii kotiin, kerhoon, päiväkotiin ja kouluun Vahvistaa motorisien ja kielellisten taitojen kehittymistä