LOL OMG Queens Fashion Doll Runway Diva

L.O.L. OMG Queens muotinukke  Runway Diva
L.O.L. OMG Queens muotinukke  Runway Diva
L.O.L. OMG Queens muotinukke  Runway Diva
L.O.L. OMG Queens muotinukke  Runway Diva
LOL OMG Queens Fashion Doll Runway Diva
55,00 €
Price without tax
28,69 €
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Detailed description

The Runway Diva is ready to walk the fashion throne. Her gorgeous hair is almost as beautiful as her outfit.

20 Surprises: LOL Surprise OMG Queen with 20 surprises, including the gorgeous Runway Diva fashion doll with gorgeous facial features and styled hair. This queen is a true master who not only designs fashion, but also really rocks it.