LOL Furniture Set Backstage and Doll + LOL Fashion Crush (gift)

L.O.L. furniture Backstage set + L.O.L.Fashion Crush (present)
L.O.L. furniture Backstage set + L.O.L.Fashion Crush (present)
L.O.L. furniture Backstage set + L.O.L.Fashion Crush (present)
L.O.L. furniture Backstage set + L.O.L.Fashion Crush (present)
LOL Furniture Set Backstage and Doll + LOL Fashion Crush (gift)
22,00 €
Price without tax
11,95 €
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Detailed description

Buy LOL Furniture Set - get LOL Fashion Crush as a gift!!

LOL Surprise furniture set and little doll.

The package includes LOL Surprise! Nuk with matching and stylish accessories.

There are over ten surprises in the package.

The package transforms into a foldable room that can be used as a play surface.