Lego Dots 41910 Bestist's giant bracelets

Lego Dots 41910 Bestisten jätskirannekorut
Lego Dots 41910 Bestisten jätskirannekorut
Lego Dots 41910 Bestist's giant bracelets
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5,50 €
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Lego Dots 41910 Bestist giant bracelets Introduce your child to the joy of making friendship bracelets with the LEGO® DOTS Bestist giant bracelets (41910) toy, which includes two adjustable bracelets and 32 colorful tiles. The sets are available in limited quantities. Creative craft kit! Decorating a fun bracelet develops children's ability to design and express themselves. The jewelry can be decorated according to the suggestion in the package, or everyone can decorate a jewelry that suits their own style. Jewelry is also nice to give to friends. The creative joy with friends will never end with the colorful tiles of this or other sets. Kids can spice up their friendship bracelets with LEGO® DOTS - Add-on Set 1 (41908) tiles. All craft lovers and do-it-yourself fans will love this creative set. The flexible wristband and colorful decorative tiles are perfect as a Christmas, birthday or surprise gift for children over 6 years old. A pocket-sized package - and a really kawaii bracelet! The wonderful bracelet craft set contains 20 cm long bracelets, with which young designers can test their ideas, attach their favorite jewelry to their wrists, and give bracelets to their friends as well. A child's imagination serves as the source of power for a fun, creative tree! Battery-free toys help develop children's creative play and make children feel the joy of having created something new themselves. Open the package, and the bracelet decoration can begin. Unleash your creativity. Thanks to the clear instructions, planning and decorating go like a breeze. Crafting is fun, and children can be proud to wear their own jewelry. Delight children with fun crafting tasks from LEGO® DOTS sets. With this bracelet set, you can always plan new ideas that develop children's creativity and self-confidence. LEGO® building blocks and tiles meet the highest standards in the industry, so they are consistent, compatible and easy to attach and detach time after time – and have been since 1958. LEGO® bricks and tiles are dropped, heated, flattened, twisted and analyzed so you can to be sure that each building set meets the strictest international safety and quality standards.

Lego Dots 41910 Bestisten jätskirannekorut Olethan valmis luoviin hetkiin! Askartelusta tykkäävät lapset ihastuvat tähän LEGO® DOTS Bestisten jätskirannekorut settiin (41910), jota on saatavana rajoitettu erä! Ihastuttavan askarteluprojektin parissa lapset saavat suunnitella omia ystävyysrannekoruja ystävien kanssa ja koristella niitä eri tavoilla yhä uudelleen. Kimaltelevaa herkkujätskiä rannekorussa Pakkaus sisältää kaksi säädettävää yksirivistä ranneketta (pastellinkeltainen ja -pinkki), jotka sopivat kaikenkokoisiin ranteisiin. Setissä on myös 32 erilaista laattaa, esim. ihastuttavia pinkkejä kimallelaattoja ja söpö jäätelölaatta. Korut voi koristella joko pakkauksen ehdotuksin, tai voit keksiä oman yksilöllisen tyylisi. Tuntikausiksi luovaa hupia kavereiden kanssa Luovan askartelusetin parissa lapset saavat koristella tyyliinsä sopivat rannekorut ja jakaa niitä ystävien kanssa. Laattoja voi vaihdella ystävien kanssa ja koota yksilöllisiä koruja. Näissä koruissa mahdollisuudet ovat rajattomat! Tämä setti sopii hyvin joulu-, syntymäpäivä- tai yllätyslahjaksi. 34 osaa. Ikäsuositus: 6+