Lego Super Hero es 76157 Wonder Woman vs Cheetah

Lego Super Heroes 76157 Wonder Woman vs Cheetah
Lego Super Heroes 76157 Wonder Woman vs Cheetah
Lego Super Heroes 76157 Wonder Woman vs Cheetah
Lego Super Heroes 76157 Wonder Woman vs Cheetah
Lego Super Heroes 76157 Wonder Woman vs Cheetah
Lego Super Hero es 76157 Wonder Woman vs Cheetah
Price without tax
31,79 €
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Detailed description

Lego Super Hero es 76157 Wonder Woman vs Cheetah This double-sided model includes a high-tech bunker and a rotating transmitter tower. When the kids bring Wonder Woman™ (Diana Prince™) and her arch nemesis Cheetah™ (Barbara Minerva™) to the scene… anything can happen! A winged Wonder Woman™ minifigure and a Cheetah™ minifigure call for superhero action while a Max™ minifigure is in control. The transmitter tower above rotates 360 degrees and up and down. Kids can attach a Wonder Woman™ minifigure to the spinning transmitter. As he flies around the tower, Max™ stands at the controls. When supervillain Cheetah™ arrives, it's time for an epic battle! Boys and girls ages 7 and up can play out exciting imaginative adventures with this popular LEGO® DC Wonder Woman™ set. A great action-packed gift for all little superheroes. The height of the LEGO® DC Wonder Woman™ vs Cheetah™ (76157) set is 19 cm and the width is 17 cm. The length of the radar antenna is 20 cm. The set inspires a wide range of imaginative play. No batteries are required, so kids can play with this Wonder Woman™ 1984 LEGO® DC set anytime. Battery-free LEGO® construction toys develop creative thinking, imaginative role-play and problem-solving skills. Are you looking for a superhero playset for a child who is new to LEGO® sets? This Wonder Woman™ and Cheetah™ minifigure set comes with clear instructions to get kids building and playing right away. LEGO® DC Playsets inspire imaginative play either alone or together with friends. Children get to act out their favorite scenes from the movie, invent their own stories, and display great sets in their own room. LEGO® building blocks meet the industry's strictest standards, so they are consistent, compatible and easy to attach and detach time and time again - and have been since 1958. LEGO® blocks and parts are dropped, heated, flattened, twisted and analyzed. This ensures that all building sets meet the strictest international standards for the safety of little superheroes.

Lego Super Heroes 76157 Wonder Woman vs Cheetah Pienet supersankarit voivat toteuttaa vuoden 1984 Wonder Woman™ -elokuvasta tutut toimintakohtaukset LEGO® DC Wonder Woman vs Cheetah™ (76157) rakennussarjan parissa. Kun Wonder Woman (Diana Prince™) kohtaa arkkivihollisensa Cheetahin (Barbara Minerva™) lähetintornissa, tiedossa on eeppinen taistelu! Wonder Woman vs Cheetah Tämä vauhdikas leikkisetti tarjoaa lapsille kaksinkertaisen määrän hupia. Alhaalla bunkkerissa Max™ yrittää päästä lähetintorniin, kun sen huipulla olevat paneelit kääntyvät. Toisaalla Wonder Woman ja Cheetah kohtaavat toisensa. Pienet supersankarit voivat uppoutua mielikuvitusmaailmaan superhienojen yksityiskohtien ja runsaiden leikkimahdollisuuksien parissa. Suositut LEGO DC toimintahahmolelut LEGO DC rakennussettien parissa lapset voivat leikkiä suosikkisupersankariaan hyvän ja pahan välisissä taisteluissa pelastaakseen maailman. Legendaarisia hahmoja ja upeita vempaimia sisältävät LEGO DC rakennussarjat ovat mahtavia lahjoja lapsille, ja ne innostavat loputtomiin leikkeihin sekä omatoimisesti että ystävien kanssa. 371 osaa. Ikäsuositus: 8+