Lego Super Mario 71362 Guarded Fortress

Lego Super Mario 71362 Vartioitu linnoitus
Lego Super Mario 71362 Vartioitu linnoitus
Lego Super Mario 71362 Guarded Fortress
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39,76 €
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Detailed description

Lego Super Mario 71362 Guarded Fortress With this fun Guarded Fortress expansion set (71362), kids can build a new level of excitement in LEGO® Super Mario ™ Adventures with Mario on the starting track and compete against friends. The player's task is to choose his own route for LEGO® Mario™ (character not included in the set), win either a Bob-omb, Koopa Troopa or piranha plant toy figure and open the fort door by landing on the P OW box. To get to the fortress and win digital coins, LEGO® Mario™ may have to use a catapult, jump over lava built from blocks, or cross "water" by jumping on rocks. LEGO Mario reacts in different ways when meeting and defeating different enemies. This 468-piece creative LEGO® collectible toy makes a fun birthday or Christmas gift for children aged 8 and up. The expansion set is combined with the Adventures with Mario starter track (71360) and can be used to build your own, unique game levels. In its basic form, the module is 18.5 cm high, 38 cm wide and 32 cm deep. It can always be built in a new way and combined in many different ways with the Starter Track set and other expansion sets. This toy set does not require batteries. The set comes to life when paired with the LEGO® Mario™ character from the Starter Track set. The free LEGO® Super Mario ™ app contains building instructions and ideas for games. At the same time, it is a safe platform for sharing ideas. For a list of compatible Android and iOS devices, visit LEGO® Super Mario ™ toy building sets bring the whole family's favorite character into the real world. Thanks to the modular system, fans can create and expand unlimited challenges for team competitions or solo games. Connecting or disconnecting LEGO® blocks does not require the powers of a Superstar! They meet the strictest standards in the industry. This is how we ensure consistency and compatibility, as well as perfect and easy attachment, time after time. LEGO® building blocks and parts are dropped, flattened, twisted, heated and thoroughly analyzed. This is how we ensure that all LEGO sets meet the strictest international safety and quality standards.

Lego Super Mario 71362 Vartioitu linnoitus Lapset valitsevat LEGO® Mariolle™ oman reitin vartioituun linnoitukseen tässä hauskassa laajennussarjassa (71362). Fantastinen lahja lapsille, joilla on LEGO® Super Mario™ Aloitusrata (71360). Sisältää rakennettavan linnoituksen, katapultin, palikoista rakennettavia vesi- ja laavareittejä ja POW-laatikon sekä Bob-ombin, Koopa Troopan ja piraijakasvin leluhahmot Marion vastustajiksi. (Huom! Setti ei sisällä LEGO Mario hahmoa. Löydät sen Aloitusrata-setistä.) Upea sovellus Tälle setille on saatavilla ilmainen LEGO Super Mario sovellus. Sovellus sisältää upeita, helppokäyttöisiä tarkastelutyökaluja rakentamisen avuksi, ja se on turvallinen alusta, jossa lapset voivat esitellä ideoitaan. Sovellus sisältää runsaasti ideoita muihin luoviin leikkeihin ja rakennustapoihin. Kilpailuhenkistä toimintaa LEGO Super Mario keräilylelusetit tuovat suosikkihahmon todelliseen maailmaan. Ne sopivat mainiosti yhtä lailla kilpailuihin ystävien kanssa kuin yksinpeleihinkin. Aloitusrata-setti ja laajennussarjat koostuvat moduuleista, ja saatavana on myös tehostuspakkauksia. Niiden avulla fanit voivat rakentaa omia tasoja rajattomaan pelihupiin. 468 osaa. Ikäsuositus: 8+