Lego Super Mario 71363 Desert-Pokey expansion set

Lego Super Mario 71363 Aavikko-Pokey laajennussarja
Lego Super Mario 71363 Desert-Pokey expansion set
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19,04 €
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Lego Super Mario 71363 Desert Pokey Expansion Set Kids can add the exciting hammer-swinging challenge of LEGO® Super Mario ™ Adventures with Mario to the starting track and compete against friends with this fun Desert Pokey expansion set (71363). This set features a hammer turntable that lets LEGO® Mario™ (figure not included) knock over the buildable cactus-like Pokey figure piece by piece. There is also a Monty Mole character, which you can win to earn additional prizes. Music plays when LEGO® Mario™ (figure not included) is placed on the hammer turn table. This building set for kids also includes three action blocks. When LEGO Mario jumps on them, it reacts in different ways. This 180-piece creative LEGO® toy set is a fun birthday or Christmas gift for children aged 6 and over who already have an Adventures with Mario starter track. The set inspires children to build and invent their own, unique levels. In its basic form, the module is 12 cm high, 21 cm wide and 12 cm long. It can be built into a new shape and combined in a variety of ways with the Starter Track set and other LEGO® Super Mario ™ expansion sets. This toy set does not require batteries. Fast-paced games start as soon as you connect it to the Adventures with Mario starter track. The package contains clear instructions, which help children know how to build on their own and with a confident grip. The free LEGO® Super Mario ™ app contains building instructions and ideas for creative play. It is also a safe platform for sharing ideas. For a list of compatible Android and iOS devices, visit Collectible LEGO® Super Mario ™ toy building sets bring the familiar character into the real world. With sets, fans can expand their game path and build an unlimited number of new challenges. They are perfect for team competitions and solo games. Connecting or disconnecting LEGO® blocks does not require the superpowers of the builders! The blocks have met the industry's strictest standards since 1958. This is how we ensure uniformity and compatibility. LEGO® building blocks and parts are tested in almost every way imaginable. This is how we ensure that every LEGO set meets the strictest international safety and quality standards.

Lego Super Mario 71363 Aavikko-Pokey laajennussarja Fanit voivat lisätä uuden lisähaasteen LEGO® Super Mario™ aloitusrataan tämän vasaranheilutustoimintaa sisältävän Aavikko-Pokey-laajennussarjan (71363) avulla. Setti on upea lahja lapsille, ja siinä on rakennettava aavikkoympäristö, vasarakääntöpöytä, jolla LEGO® Mario™ voi kukistaa kaktusmaisen Pokey-vihollisensa pala palalta. Mukana on myös Monty Mole -hahmo, jonka voittamalla kerätään virtuaalisia kolikoita. (Huom! Setti ei sisällä LEGO Mario hahmoa. Se sisältyy settiin Seikkailut Marion kanssa -aloitusrata 71360.) Hauskaa sovellushupia Tälle ainutlaatuiselle lelulle on saatavilla ilmainen LEGO Super Mario sovellus. Siinä on siistejä zoomaus- ja kiertotyökaluja, jotka auttavat moduulin rakentamisessa, ja ehdotuksia muihin luoviin rakennustehtäviin ja leikkeihin. Sovellus sisältää myös turvallisen alustan, jossa lapset voivat esitellä luomuksiaan ystävilleen. Konkreettista LEGO Mario toimintaa! Keräiltävät LEGO Super Mario lelusetit tuovat koko perheen suosikkihahmon todelliseen maailmaan. Ne sopivat mainiosti joukkuekilpailuihin ja yksinpeleihin. Aloitusradan, laajennussarjojen ja tehostuspakkausten avulla fanit voivat muokata omia tasojaan ja keksiä rajattomasti luovia pelejä. 180 osaa. Ikäsuositus: 6+