Scooter Krea , wooden

Scooter Krea , wooden
Scooter Krea , wooden
Price without tax
47,01 €
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Detailed description

Child's maximum weight: 25 kg Bike length: 90 cm Tire size: 12 "" Front reflector. Total weight: 3.8 kg The child quickly learns the motor skills of steering and pedaling the bike. Practicing balance takes time, and a scooter is a very good tool for that. You can get going very quickly with a scooter and the speed can be fast on the downhills. The parent must closely monitor how the child rides the bike, especially among other traffic. Transitioning from a scooter to a bike with pedals depends a lot on the child's size and skills. But it may take a very short time to ride the helper bikes.

Potkupyörä upea Krea Tyylikäs musta korkeatasoinen, tyylikäs pyörä! Tasapainopyörä kehittää lapsen motoriikkaa. Tasapainoilu potkuttelupyörä Krea on puinen (koivulaminaattia) pyörä, jossa on täyskumirenkaat. Ei tarvitse pumpata eikä paikata! Sopii sisä ja ulkokäyttöön.