Oppi & Ilo human puzzle & book

Oppi & Ilo human puzzle & book
Oppi & Ilo human puzzle & book
Oppi & Ilo human puzzle & book
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13,94 €
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Oppi & Ilo Science Adventure human puzzle and book Oppi & Ilo Science Adventure human puzzle and book contains a 23-page information book, 150 puzzle pieces and 10 details to be placed on top of the puzzle. The human body and its functioning is a fascinating entity, the functioning of which interests children from an early age. How does the eye work? Why does the heart beat? How do human senses work? What happens in digestion? The questions serve as a perfect starting point when getting to know the human body and practicing research skills. The information book has six areas: research skills, breathing and heart, digestion, sense of hearing and sight, sense of taste and smell, and sense of touch and balance. Each section includes a story and investigations. The characters Hoseli, Kelvin and Pii from the Oppi&ilo Tiedeseikkailu book series are in the story. A child is naturally curious and gets to know the world by asking, exploring and experimenting. The puzzle offers an opportunity to get to know the details of the human body in a fun way. During the play vacation, you get to name body parts and details. Assembling the puzzle allows you to get to know the details of the human body in a tangible way. The puzzle can be viewed alongside the studies, in which case the naming of the body parts is accompanied by an activity. Many things are better remembered through experience. The stories and easy science experiments in the information book feed the child's natural ability to wonder. At the same time, my own research offers experiences of success. Let the child try and apply his own ideas. This is how the joy of realization and the joy of invention are born! An adult should join in wondering with the child. The shared common experience of learning new things and figuring things out is important and brings mutual joy. Oppi&ilo products are designed to inspire learning and arouse the child's interest in new things! A child learns best by exploring and leikkien .

Oppi & Ilo Tiedeseikkailu ihminen palapeli ja kirja Oppi&ilo Tiedeseikkailu ihminen palapeli ja kirja tutustuttaa lapsen ihmiskehon ihmeelliseen maailmaan. Kirja ja palapeli Oma keho tutuksi Ikäsuositus: 5-99 -vuotiaille Sisältö: 150 palan palapeli, 10 palapelin päälle aseteltavaa yksityiskohtaa ja 23-sivuinen tietokirja Ikäsuositus: 5-99 -vuotiaille Pakkauksen mitat 22 x 31 x 5 cm