Smartgames Jump In'

Smartgames Jump In'
Smartgames Jump In'
Smartgames Jump In'
Smartgames Jump In'
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15,06 €
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Detailed description

SmartGames logic games are suitable for the whole family Like all SmartGames smart games, the SmartGames Jump In logic game also develops logical thinking and planning. The game also develops concentration and is an excellent learning game for schoolchildren, for example. When solving tasks that are more challenging than the other, visualization and problem-solving skills get practice. Can you solve the most challenging tasks that require dozens of moves? Age recommendation: for over 7 years old. The game contains 60 challenges in five different difficulty levels. Contents: game board and cover, three rabbits, three mushrooms, two foxes, challenge book with solutions and game instructions. Game board dimensions: 15 x 15 x 2 cm. Package dimensions: 17 x 24 x 4.5 cm. SmartGames learning games are suitable for many uses The globally awarded and popular SmartGames logic game series receives excellent feedback from its users. The games are perceived as stimulating, versatile and very developmental. These multipurpose learning games have found their way into homes, kindergartens and schools. SmartGames also work well for therapy use. Several occupational therapists, speech therapists and special education teachers use games in their work and recommend them to their client families. SmartGames make learning fun! SmartGames logic games support the practice of many kinds of skills. The imaginative themes and beautiful appearance of the games entice you to play and tackle the challenges. Learning through joy and fun is also more effective! Each SmartGames game contains challenges from very easy to very difficult. This unique structure supports learning and the development of concentration. Coping with easy challenges strengthens the player's self-confidence and inspires them to progress step by step to more and more difficult challenges. The player notices his own development. More difficult tasks offer a suitable challenge even for skilled players. This versatility of games makes SmartGames logic games excellent learning games for classroom use, for example. SmartGames games are not only for children and schoolchildren, but they have been found to be very effective for older people as well. These fun games offer the best brain teasers for adults and grown-ups!

SmartGames Jump In Auta kaneja piiloutumaan koloihinsa! Sympaattisesta ulkokuoresta huolimatta SmartGames Jump In -logiikkapelissä riittää haastetta. Ikäsuositus yli 7-vuotiaille 60 haastetta erittäin helposta vaikeaan Soveltuu kätevän säilytysratkaisunsa ansiosta myös matkapeliksi SmartGames Jump In -logiikkapelissä autetaan kaneja piiloutumaan koloihinsa. Valitse haaste ja aseta kanit, ketut ja kärpässienet pelilaudalle. Saatko ratkaistua haasteen ja autettua kanit loikkimaan kärpässienien ja kettujen yli omiin koloihinsa? SmartGames Jump In -pelin tavoitteena on saada kaikki kanit piiloon ja turvaan koloihin. Kanit liikkuvat vain hyppäämällä esteiden yli. Esteitä ovat sienet, ketut ja toiset kanit tai näiden muodostamat yhdistelmät. Sieniä et voi siirtää, mutta kettuja voit liikuttaa tarpeen mukaan liu’uttamalla eteen- tai taaksepäin. Haasteessa näet oikeaan ratkaisuun tarvittavien siirtojen vähimmäismäärän. Voit onnistua haasteen ratkaisemisessa myös käyttämällä muita, pitempiä reittejä. Haastavin tehtävä vaatii yli 80 siirtoa, joten tämä peli tarjoaa sopivaa aivojumppaa pitkäksi aikaa – myös aikuisille! Kätevän säilytysratkaisun ansiosta pelin osat pysyvät tallella ja kulkevat helposti mukana vaikka matkalla. Tämä peli on maailmalla palkittu myyntimenestys!