manufacturer: Graf GRAF Ultra F-60 Skates SENIOR hockey skates Size 1010,5 EE1177,5 EE88,5 EE99,5 EE Width EE Age SrPrice 425,00 € Price without tax338,65 € Quantity Add to cart Add to compare Add to Wishlist All Graf productsFree shipping on orders over 99 €Free order pick up from shop from Lappeenranta Detailed description Note! Available to order only from the online store! Not available in our store in Lahti. Estimated delivery time is 5 business days. If the customer so wishes, the skates can be sharpened before sending the order without additional costs. Note The right to return an online store order expires if the skates are sharpened. However, if the customer wants the skates to be sharpened before sending the online store order, please indicate this in the "Remarks on the order" field or send us an e-mail as soon as possible. Pro skate. Ultra light. The successor of the legendary 703 + 704 models, updated with the new ULTRA technology. AIRNET interior, high side support thanks to XP-3 technology, narrow heel fit. Cobra NT 3000 stainless blades. Wide EE last. Size: 9 hockey_equipment_width: EE hockey_equipment_age: Sr