Cross-country skiing

Fischer Snowstar Black Jr Лыжные Ботинки
79,90 €
Fischer S9000 Pilot Лыжные Ботинки
134,50 €

Cross-country skiing is made for classic skiing on cut tracks. These skis are popular among a wide range of lovers of skiing, outdoor activities and sports. Our shop Urheiluperhe offers not only to order skis online but also to decide on such important issues as what to wear with cross-country skiing. The store presents cross-country skiing equipment from the Finnish manufacturer Peltonen, Karhu and well-known world brands such as Rossignol, Madshus, Atomic, etc.

Cross-country skis are longer than skating skis (maximum length 205-207 cm). They are less stiff and have long pointed toes. The lower stiffness of these skis compared to skating skis is needed so that when pushing, the ski with notches or holding ointment engages with the snow in the middle part. At the same time, cross-country skis should not be too soft. Otherwise, while sliding, a block with a holding ointment or notches will prevent slipping and slow down the skier. Cross-country skis can be selected in two ways: by weight of the skier or by height.

How to choose the right skis

*When selecting skis for cross-country skiing according to the weight of the skier, consider the weight markings on the package. Such a marking has even some inexpensive skis of well-known brands. You can select skis according to the weight of the person empirically. To do this, you need to stand on the middle part of the skis at the level of the binding and boots and see if there is a gap between the ski and the surface.

*When choosing according to the height of the skier, it is desirable that the cross-country skis are 25–30 cm taller than you.

In addition, when choosing skis, flexibility, lightness and strength must be taken into account. If the skis are attached to each other with sliding surfaces, then a distance of 5-7 cm should form in the middle part.

As already mentioned, cross-country skis are used when they will be located strictly parallel to each other on a specially built ski track. In the fact cross-country skiing is less popular because skating skis are more dynamic and fast. But, as skiers say, the classics are the head of everything. Ski training starts with cross-country skis. In addition, every skier must know this way of moving.

For classic skiing, as well as for skating, you need your own ski kit. It also can be purchased from the online shop Urheiluperhe. By the way, beginners prefer to buy cross-country skiing equipment in the kit. In addition, we have a wide range of ski boots, ski poles, suits and accessories. All this can be ordered with delivery in Finland.