Lego Harry Potter 75979 Hedwig

Lego Harry Potter 75979 Hedwig
Lego Harry Potter 75979 Hedwig
Lego Harry Potter 75979 Hedwig
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39,80 €
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Detailed description

Lego Harry Potter 75979 Hedwig The collectible LEGO® Hedwig™ (75979) toy will captivate Harry Potter ™ fans. The model convinces with its details, and the mechanism inside it makes the articulated wings rise and fall. Authentic toy features Hedwig™ the snowy owl delivering an important letter from Hogwarts. Also includes a detachable LEGO® Harry Potter ™ minifigure and Hedwig minitoy. The model is built in flight position. When the crank on the back is turned, the mechanism raises the toy's wings up and down. The ingenious structure of the joints produces authentic movement. Whether you're looking for the ultimate Harry Potter ™ gift for kids or a building challenge that will appeal to LEGO® fans of all ages, this Hedwig Owl is the perfect birthday or Christmas gift for kids 10 and over. The LEGO® set includes a mechanical Hedwig™ owl with a wingspan of 34 cm and a length from beak to tail of 20 cm. It collects admiring glances as a decoration. LEGO® Harry Potter ™ sets do not require batteries. The moving wings are manually operated by a crank on the toy's back. Clear instructions ensure that construction goes smoothly. Construction experience is rewarding, and you can be satisfied with the result. LEGO® Harry Potter ™ building sets make perfect gifts for any movie fan. Wonderful collectible toys bring the events of the movies to life and bring magic to children's lives. All LEGO® building sets meet the strictest standards in the industry, so they are consistent in quality, compatible and easy to attach and detach time and time again – no magic required! LEGO® blocks and parts are dropped, heated, flattened, twisted and analyzed. In this way, we ensure that all building sets meet the strictest international safety standards.

Lego Harry Potter 75979 Hedwig Herätä eloon Harry Potter™ -elokuvista tutun Hedwig™-pöllön maaginen persoonallisuus ja tyylikkäät liikkeet. LEGO® Harry Potter Hedwig (75979) on palkitseva rakennuskokemus ja näyttää upealta. Siitä tulee keräilijöiden suosikki. Rakennettava Hedwig-pöllö, jolla on toimivat siivet 630-osaisen palikoista rakennettavan pöllön siipien kärkiväli on huikeat 34 cm. Tässä mallissa se lentää toimittamaan Harrylle tärkeää kirjettä. Kun malli on valmis, sirot siivet saa nousemaan ja laskemaan kampea kiertämällä. Keräiltävä malli seisoo tukevalla jalustalla, jossa on irrotettava LEGO Harry Potter minihahmo ja toinen pienempi Hedwig-lelupöllö, jonka siivet ovat levällään. 630 osaa. Ikäsuositus: 10+